Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy welcomed Delegation from Riverside City, U.S.A


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On 15 November 2016, the Delegation from Riverside City paid a visit at CTUMP in working plan of the People's Committee of Can Tho city. The delegation included Assoc.Prof. Vien Doan – Chairman of Can Tho-Riverside twinned cities program, Assoc.Prof. Kelechi Kalu, Vice-Rector of Iniversity of California Riverside (UCR).

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP), represented by Assoc.Prof. Pham Thi Tam and Assoc.Prof. Dam Van Cuong, Vice Rectors of CTUMP; Leaders of Scientific Research & International Relations office, Undergraduate training office, Post graduate training office, Cardiovascular Intervention Center, Department of Diagnostic Imaging … welcomed the delegation.

The two sides had an effective meeting to learn from each other about the current situations of training and scientific research, discussed on the capacity on the future cooperation. UCR suggested gradually increase in collaboration, starting with student exchange programs since 2017, followed by lecturers exchange and research collaboration. 

The photos taken in the working day:

1.Dr Thai Thi Ngoc Thuy, vice head of Scientific Research & International Relations presented an overview about CTUMP and CTUMP’s development orientation


2.Assoc.Prof. Vien Doan – Chairman of Can Tho-Riverside twinned cities program, presented an overview about UCR and UCR’s development orientation


3.Discuss about future collaboration between CTUMP and UCR


4.1.   Take a souvenir photo with CTUMP’s staffs


Scientific Research and International Relations Office