Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Minh Phuong, Ph.D, M.D, Chairwomen, Email: nmphuong@ctump.edu.vn
Prof. NGUYEN Trung Kien, Ph.D, M.D, Rector, Email: ntkien@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Van Lam, Ph.D, M.D, Vice Rector, Email: nvlam@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. TRAN Viet An, Ph.D, M.D, Vice Rector, Email: tvan@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Thanh Tan, Ph.D, M.D, Vice Rector, Email: nttan@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Minh Phuong, Ph.D, M.D, Party Committee Secretary, Email: nmphuong@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. TRAN Thanh Hung, Ph.D, M.D, Chairman of the University Trade Union, Email: tthung@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. PHAM Hoang Khanh, M.Sc, Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Email: phkhanh@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. LE Thanh Tai, Ph.D, M.D, Chairman of the Veterans Association, Email: lttai@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Medicine
Dr. LE Van Minh, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: lvminh@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. Tran Thai Thanh Tam, Ph.D, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: ttttam@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. NGUYEN Nhu Nghia, Ph.D, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: nnghia@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Pharmacy
Assoc. Prof. PHAM Thanh Suol, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: ptsuo@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. DO Chau Minh Vinh Tho, Ph.D, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: dcmvtho@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. PHAM Thi To Lien, Ph.D, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: pttlien@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Odonto - Stomatology
Assoc. Prof. TRUONG Nhut Khue, DDS, Ph.D, Dean, Email: tnkhue@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. LE Nguyen Lam, DDS, M.Sc, Ph.D, Vice-Dean, Email: lnlam@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. DO Thi Thao, DDS, M.Sc, Ph.D, Vice-Dean, Email: dtthao@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Public Health
Dr. LE Minh Huu, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: lmhuu@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. NGUYEN Tan Dat, Ph.D, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: ntdat@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology
Dr. NGUYEN Hong Phong, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: nhphong@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. NGUYEN Thi Thanh Truc, M.Sc, Vice-Dean, Email: ntttruc@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Basic Sciences
Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Thi Thu Tram, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: ntttram@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. NGUYEN Thanh Hung, M.Sc, Vice-Dean, Email: nthung@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. TRAN Thi Hong Le, M.D, Vice-Dean, Email: tthle@ctump.edu.vn
Faculty of Traditional Medicine
Dr. LE Minh Hoang, Ph.D, M.D, Dean, Email: lmhoang@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. NGUYEN Ngoc Chi Lan, M.Sc, Vice-Dean, Email: nnclan@ctump.edu.vn
Information and Communications Department
Mr. CHAU Minh Khoa, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: cmkhoa@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. TRAN Thi Bich Phuong, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: ttbphuong@ctump.edu.vn
Student Affairs Department
Mrs. NGO Phuong Thao, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: npthao@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. VO Van Quyen, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: vvquyen@ctump.edu.vn
Quality Assurance Department
Dr. PHAM Thi My Ngoc, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: ptmgoc@ctump.edu.vn
University Training Department
Dr. PHAM Kieu Anh Tho, M.D, Head of Department, Email: pkatho@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. TRAN Quang Khai, M.D, Deputy Head of Department, Email: tqkhai@ctump.edu.vn
Postgraduate Training Department
Assoc. Prof. VO Huynh Trang, Ph.D, M.D, Head of Department, Email: vhtrang@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. NGUYEN Hong Ha, Ph.D, M.D, Deputy Head of Department, Email: nhha@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. Pharmacist DANG Duy Khanh, Ph.D, M.D, Deputy Head of Department, Email: ddkhanh@ctump.edu.vn
Department of General Administration
Mrs. PHAM Truong Yen Nhi, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: ptynhi@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. PHAM Thi Minh, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: ptminh@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. NGUYEN Van Bo, BA, Deputy Head of Department, Email: nvbo@ctump.edu.vn
Department of Examination
Mrs. PHAN Thi Tuyet Nhung, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: pttnhung@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. Pharmacist LE Thi Minh Ngoc, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: ltmngoc@ctump.edu.vn
Department of Science, Technology and International Relations
Assoc. Prof. Pharmacist NGUYEN Thi Ngoc Van, Ph.D, Head of Department, Email: ntnvan@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. Pharmacist Nguyen Thang, Ph.D, Deputy Head of Department, Email: nthang@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. HOANG Minh Tu, Ph.D, Deputy Head of Department, Email: hmtu@ctump.edu.vn
Equipment Management Department
Mr. NGUYEN Van Tam, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: nvtam@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. HUYNH Truong Hiep, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: hthiep@ctump.edu.vn
Finance and Accounting Department
Ms. VO Nhat Nhan Tuyen, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: vnntuyen@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. HUA Kim Chi, BA, Deputy Head of Department, Email: hkchi@ctump.edu.vn
Personnel Organization Department
Mrs. TRAN Truong Ngoc Bich, M.Sc, Head of Department, Email: ttnbic@ctump.edu.vn
Mrs. HA Bao Tran, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Department, Email: hbtran@ctump.edu.vn
Inspection and Legal Department
Dr. BUI Quang Nghia, Ph.D, M.D, Head of Department, Email: bqnghia@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. NGUYEN Hiep Phuc, BA, Deputy Head of Department, Email: nhphuc@ctump.edu.vn
Project Management Board
Eng. N Chi Trung, Deputy Head of Department, Email: nctrung@ctump.edu.vn
Social Demands Training Center
Dr. NGUYEN Trieu Viet, Ph.D, M.D, Director, Email: ntviet@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. PHAN Thi Luyen, Ph.D, M.D, Deputy Director, Email: ptluyen@ctump.edu.vn
Skills Lab Unit
Dr. PHAM Thi My Ngoc, M.Sc, Head of Center, Email: ptmngoc@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. TRAN Xuan Quynh, M.Sc, Deputy Head of Center, Email: txquynh@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. NGUYEN Thi Hai Yen, Ph.D, M.D, Director, Email: nthyen@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. LE Thi Hoang My, Ph.D, M.D, Deputy Director, Email: lthmy@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. LAI Van Nong, M.D, Specialist Grade II, Director, Email: lvnong@ctump.edu.vn
Assoc. Prof. NGUYEN Thanh Tan, Ph.D, Deputy Director, Email: nttan@ctump.edu.vn
Mr. NGUYEN Van Tam, M.Sc, Deputy Director, Email: nvtam@ctump.edu.vn
Dr. VO Pham Minh Thu, M.D, Deputy Director, Email: vpmthu@ctump.edu.vn