Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy welcomed the Rector and Delegation of Ghent University


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On 31st March 2016, the Rector and Delegation of Ghent University (UGhent), Belgium paid a visit at CTUMP. The delegation included Prof Ann De Paepe, Rector, Ghent University; Prof Guido Van Huylenbroek, Director of Internationalisation; Prof. Martin Valcke, Head of the Department of Educational Studies; Mrs Isabelle De Coen, Academic diplomacy; Mr Isaac Demey, Public relations; and Mrs Katleen Anthierens, project member.

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP), represented by Assoc.Prof. Pham Thi Tam, Vice Rector of CTUMP; Leaders of Scientific Research & International Relations office, Deans and international relations assistants from 06 Faculties; leaders of Skills lab Unit and CTUMP’s library … welcomed the delegation.

The two universities had an effective meeting, the visits to Skillslab Unit and Library to learn from each other about the current situations, the collaboration in the past three years and plans for future coperation. 

The photos taken in the working day:

1. Dr Thai Thi Ngoc Thuy, vice head of Scientific Research & International Relations presented an overview about CTUMP and collaborations between the two universities

2.Discuss about future collaboration between CTUMP and Ghent University

3.Visitting a teaching session on procedure skills at Skills Lab Unit

4.Visit CTUMP’s Library


5. Take a souvenir photo with CTUMP’s staffsimage001.jpg

Scientific Research and International Relations Office