Can Tho University of and Pharmacy welcomed the Delegation from University College Ghent, Belgium


Lượt xem: 2014

From March 10th to 13th 2016, 02 representatives of the Delegation from University College Ghent (HoGent), Belgium paid a visit at CTUMP. The delegation from Training, Health and Social Work Faculty was presented by Mr Marc Dhaeze, Lecturer – International coordinator Nursing Program and Ms. Sonia Labeau, Lecturer – Head of the Nursing Program.

The delegation was welcomed by representatives of Scientific Research & International Relations Office, Dr. Thai Thi Ngoc Thuy, Vice Head; Assoc.Prof. Tran Do Hung, Vice Dean of Nursing & Medical Technology Faculty; and lecturers of the Faculty.

Working activities and outcomes:

1.  Ms. Sonia Labeau gave lectures on Evidence Based Nursing, E-Learning and Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections. Mr. Marc Dhaeze taught about Health Care and Nursing in an Ageing World – Future Perspectives, The State of Art of Nursing Education in Belgium and Europe, Internationalization for Nursing Students at University College Ghent, Caring for the Elderly in Belgium, Integrated Nursing – A Holistic Approach to the Delivery of Nursing Care. Participants included: Lecturers of Nursing & Medical Technology Faculty and 40 nursing students courses 38 and 39.

2.  Ms. Sonia Labeau and Mr. Marc Dhaeze introduced about the culture of Belgium, the future health care system: trends and challenges, prevention of infections to 50 students in English speaking clubs from faculties of Medicine and Public Health.

Some photos taken:

1.Welcome meeting at Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology image001.jpg
2.Ms. Sonia Labeau and Mr. Marc Dhaeze presented about Health care and nursing education at HoGent

image001.jpg3.   Ms. Sonia Labeau and Mr. Marc Dhaeze gave lectures and dicussed with students in English speaking clubs from faculties of Medicine and Public Health
