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On November 14, 2021, within the framework of the Workshop "English and the importance of English for CTUMP staff, post- and under-graduate students", Dr. NGUYEN Thang, Deputy Head of the Office of Science, Technology and External Relations, gave a speech to introduce the international exchange opportunities and foreign internship opportunities of CTUMP students. It highlighted main activities that students can participate in the process of international integration and cooperation.

First of all, students can participate in international academic and exchange through activities such as delegation management, tour guide, exchanging culture and knowledge with fellow students around the world. In addition, attending or supporting the organization of conferences or seminars with experts from abroad is also a regular activity for CTUMP students. Therefore, students have the opportunity to practice English communication skills, situation handling, and increasing the chance to seek abroad scholarships and join multinational research projects.

Besides, in order to improve the morale of integration, students can also participate in international competitions, short/long-term training courses, and conferences. This is a valuable opportunity for students to explore the unique culture of overseas countries. At the same time, students can also participate in compiling and translating as well as supporting the development of the CTUMP website, contributing to promoting the reputation as well as the progress in many aspects such as training, research, medical examination and treatment and community service of CTUMP. The most important is to improve the students'  newsletter writing skills in both Vietnamese and English versions.

Finally, students interested in science research can choose to support the international scientific publication. Attending, you will be trained in scientific research skills and writing international articles. With each successful article publication, you have the opportunity to be a co-author with lecturers and experts. Thereby, students could create a good curriculum vitae to increase their chances of searching for a Ph.D. or Research Master scholarship.

In the process of promoting integration among students, CTUMP is a place that can support students in many different aspects such as organizing classes/courses to improve CTUMP-er's foreign language skills, introducing short/long-term scholarships in advanced countries, organizing workshops to guide the writing and publishing international articles and introducing job opportunities worldwide.

The workshop was held successfully and well.

Pictures from the workshop:


 Dr. NGUYEN Thang interacts with students



Dr. NGUYEN Thang introduced main activities that CTUMP-ers can participate in


 Dr. NGUYEN Thang received flowers from the organizers


  A large number of students joined


For further information, please contact:

Science, Technology and External Relations Office

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

179 Nguyen Van Cu, Ninh Kieu District, Cantho City, Vietnam

Tel: (84) 292 3739809;        Email:

Science, Technology and External Relations Office