
Lượt xem: 430

In the afternoon of November 26th, 2021, at Lecture room 01, Faculty of Medicine, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy successfully held the scholarships award ceremony sponsored by MEET organization, USA for Vietnamese and Cambodian students studying at the University affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Medical Education Exchange Teams (MEET) is a non-profit organization that supports global health education by fostering international education partnerships. MEET paid attention to the impacts of the pandemic on the studies of students of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, and provided support in a timely manner to those in need. Thanks to the support from MEET, Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy has ceremoniously held this event. 

The ceremony had the participation of Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Van Lam – Vice Rector of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy; PhD. NGUYEN Thang – Deputy Head of Office of Science – Technology and International Affairs; MSc. NGO Phuong Thao – Head of Office of Student Affairs and the students of the University. 

In this meaningful occasion, Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Van Lam delivered words of encouragement to raise the confidence and spirit of students, in order to strive forward and make continuous efforts to successfully complete their studies. Recognizing the difficulties students face during the pandemic, forty five scholarships were awarded to the students of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, including Vietnamese and Cambodian students.

At the end of the ceremony, student HUYNH Nhut Duy, class YM of course 43, on behalf of the scholarships recipients, expressed his deep gratitude to the leaders of MEET as well as the University representatives. 

Hope these scholarships will greatly empower the students to their future endeavors.

Pictures from the ceremony: 



Opening of the ceremony 


Overview of the ceremony


Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Van Lam – Vice Rector of CTUMP had a speech at the ceremony




Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Van Lam – Vice Rector of CTUMP awarded scholarships to two Cambodian students


MSc. NGO Phuong Thao – Head of Office of Student Affairs awarded scholarships to students


Dr. NGUYEN Thang – Deputy Head of Science – Technology and External Relations Office awarded scholarships to students


For further information, please contact:

Science-Technology and External Relations Office

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Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

179 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam

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Science-Technology and External Relations Office