Medical handbook design contest with “Building your knowledge” theme.


Lượt xem: 350

In order to promote creativity, innovation and scientific research, to improve the quality of undergraduate and graduate training in the Departments of the Faculty of Medicine, and also to create an atmosphere of exciting competition between the Departments to tap into the professional capacity of the faculty and the creativity of the students, the Faculty of Medicine held a competition to design a medical handbook with the theme of "Building your knowledge". The contest received the attention and participation of a large number of lecturers and students, with 35 entries.

The assessment and acceptance ceremony of the contest was held on May 22nd, 2022, with 2 working sessions in the morning and afternoon, at Lecture Hall 01 of the Faculty of Medicine. Attending the judging session, the Organizing Committee was honored to welcome the teachers in the Examining Council, including:

Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Minh Phuong – Chairman of the School Council, Chairman of the Acceptance Council.

Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRAN Viet An – Vice President, Reviewer 1

PhD. MD. LE Van Minh – Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Reviewer 2

PhD. MD. TRAN Thai Thanh Tam – Vice Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Member

PhD. MD. BUI Quang Nghia – Head of Legal Inspection Department, Head of Pediatrics Department, Member – Secretary

The teams took turns to present their handbooks to highlight the advantages and disadvantages as well as the content they were most interested in; thereby showing the enthusiasm and efforts of each team member. At the same time, the Examining Council evaluated, gave suggestions and listed possible improvements in the future.

Through two working sessions, the Examining Council selected 13 teams with the best handbooks to award the prizes:

+ The first prize belonged to the team that designed the Handbook of Anatomy Self-study 1.

+ The second prize belonged to the team that designed the Handbook of Clinical Neurology.

+ The third prize of the contest belonged to the teams with the designs: Handbook of Biochemistry, Handbook of Internal Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine, Handbook of Parasitology and Handbook of Oncology Practice.

+ Consolation prize were awarded to the teams: Handbook of Undergraduate Clinical Dermatology, Handbook of Physiology volume 2, Handbook of Pediatrics, Handbook of Internal Medicine Basics 1, Handbook of Microbiology Practice, Handbook of Otolaryngology, Handbook of Orthopedic Trauma volume 2.

The Medical Handbook Design Contest with the theme of "Building your belongings" was an extremely useful playground, helping students to keep up learning and improving their creativity, increasing the interest of students in their medical studies.

Some pictures of the contest:




Opening the contest 


The Examining Council


Chairman of the Examining Council – Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Minh Phuong spoke about the grading criteria of the Council before the teams’ presentations









Some competing teams presenting their contest products



Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Minh Phuong – Chairman of the Council commented and directed questions to the presenting team


Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRAN Viet An – reviewer 1 – commented and directed questions to the presenting team


PhD. LE Van Minh – reviewer 2 – commented and directed questions to the presenting team


PhD. TRAN Thai Thanh Tam – member – commented and directed questions to the presenting team


Overview of the event






After two working sessions, the Examining Council found thirteen teams with the best designs, the most complete and appropriate content to help others medical students in their learning process.


The team with the Handbook of Anatomy Self-study 1 won the first prize of the competition.


The second prize went to the team that designed the Handbook of Clinical Neurology.


The third prize of the competition belongs to the teams with the designs: Handbook of Internal Affairs of the Faculty of Medicine, Handbook of Biochemistry, Handbook of Parasitology and Handbook of Oncology.



The teams that won the consolation prize of the competition.



PhD. LE Van Minh - Dean of the Faculty of Medicine expressed his thoughts about the contest.


The teachers and the competition teams took commemorating photos.


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