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Carrying out the project "Supporting students to start-up to 2025" (1665 Project for short) dated October 30th, 2017 of the Prime Minister; to help students have enough agility and urge their desire to prove themselves by start-up ideas and help all officers and students of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP) have a more intuitive perspective and enhance the knowledge about start-up ideas, CTUMP held a "Student’s Day with Start-up Ideas" for CTUMP’s students on June 12th, 2022.

1665 project set a goal that promotes the start-up spirit among students and provides knowledge and skills about start-up for them during study process at CTUMP; creates a favorable environment to support them in building and realising their start-up ideas and projects, which contributes to creating jobs for students after graduation; 100% of universities, academies, 70% of colleges, vocational schools have at least 05 student’s start-up ideas, projects; students have the investment supports from suitable expense sources or connecting with businesses, venture capital funds.

Student’s Day with start-up ideas have the participation of Mr. BUI Tien Dung - main specialist of Student Political Affairs Department, Ministry of Education and Training; PharmD. TRUONG Hoang Thanh Truc - General Director of Trung Son Alpha Company (Co.), Limited (Ltd.); PharmD. PHAM Minh Huu Tien - Director of Duoc si Tien Cosmetic Research, Application and Training Center; MD. HO Thi Dieu Hien - Yuejin Import-Export Co., Ltd.; MD. DUONG Thi Anh Thu – Pía Shop, a startup model for medical students in Can Tho.

From CTUMP, there are participations of many lecturers: PhD. MD. NGUYEN Thanh Tan – CTUMP’s Vice Rector, MS. LE Minh Huu - Vice Dean of Faculty of Public Health, MS. NGO Phuong Thao - Head of Student Affairs Office, MS. PHAM Hoang Khanh - Secretary of the Youth Union, MS. VO Van Quyen - Deputy Head of Student Affairs Office, MS. TRAN Thi Bich Phuong - Deputy Head of Information and Communication Office, MS. NGUYEN Thai Thong – Chairman of Student’s Association, specialists from Student Affairs Office, with the presence of more than 2100 students of CTUMP gathering at Cuu Long Hall and nearly 1000 students follow via the online link.


Lecturers and speakers attend “Student’s Day with Start-up Ideas”


CTUMP’s students attend Student’s Day in Cuu Long Hall

PhD. MD. NGUYEN Thanh Tan – CTUMP’s Vice Rector gave a speech in the day to encourage the spirit and promote the motivation to start-up in students, by the way, arousing business potential and enterising consciousness.


PhD. MD. NGUYEN Thanh Tan – CTUMP’s Vice Rector has an opening speech.



PhD. MD. NGUYEN Thanh Tan – CTUMP’s Vice Rector representing CTUMP gave commemorating gifts to speakers



MS. NGO Phuong Thao – Head of Student Affairs Office representing Organizing Committee gave commemorating gifts to speakers

At the beginning of the "Student’s Day with Foreign Language Ideas", Mr. BUI Tien Dung - main specialist of Student Political Affairs Department, Ministry of Education and Training, gave a speech about the project " Supporting students to start-up to 2025". of the Ministry of Education and Training, the "Students with startup ideas" contest and new policies of the Ministry of Education and Training to promote and create favorable conditions for students to start-up.


Mr. BUI Tien Dung - main specialist of Student Political Affairs Department, Ministry of Education and Training introduce 1665 Project.

Following is a talkshow between Mr. BUI Tien Dung - main specialist of Student Political Affairs Department, Ministry of Education and Training, PharmD. TRUONG Hoang Thanh Truc - General Director of Trung Son Alpha Co., Ltd., MS. NGUYEN Thanh Trang and CTUMP’s students presenting at Cuu Long Hall about the concerns of inexperienced students about start-up. The organizing commitees received more than 90 online questions and answered more than 15 questions in the hall for students.


Pharmacist TRUONG Hoang Thanh Truc and Mr. BUI Tien Dung answer questions and concerns for CTUMP’s students

Following the program in the afternoon, MD. HO Thi Dieu Hien promote the spirit of dare to think and dare to do in students with her own start-up story through the speech "Financial formula to transform from rent-to-own".


Doctor HO Thi Dieu Hien promote the spirit of dare to think and dare to do in students with her own start-up story.

At the end of the program, students were extremely happy and excited with the humorous but realistic sharing from PharmD. PHAM Minh Huu Tien, an alumnus of CTUMP, with speech about how to “Innovate your thinking and beyond your limits” – how to make students step out of their comfort zone, how to make students have ability of managing time, capacity and turn their ability into an opportunity to start-up.



Pharmacist PHAM Minh Huu Tien, with speech about how to “Innovate your thinking and beyond your limits”

During the Student’s Day, 02 successful start-up models from the time as a medical student time of MD. HO Thi Dieu Hien and MD. DUONG Thi Anh Thu demonstrated, their products and directly information exchanging with the participants about startups, products ... extract many participations of many students.

Some other pictures of the day below.





Stand of Pía Shop – Can Tho Blouse & Scrub is showed at Lobby of Principal Office



Stand of Yuejin Import-Export Co., Ltd. is showed at Lobby of Principal Office.








Phuong Anh – Collaborators of Student Affairs Office.