Can Tho University of and Pharmacy welcomed the Delegation from University College Ghent, Belgium


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On 28th May 2015, 02 representatives of the Delegation from University College Ghent (HoGent), Belgium paid a visit at CTUMP. The delegation from Training, Health and Social Work Faculty was presented by Mr Toon De Bock, head of nursing department and Ms. Liesbeth Van Heck, Head of the nursing training program.

Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP), represented by Assoc.Prof. Pham Thi Tam, Vice Rector of CTUMP; Leaders of Scientific Research & International Relations office, Leaders and chief nurses of CTUMP’s Hospital, Faculty of Nursing & Medical Technology and related departments… welcomed the delegation.

Working activities and outcomes:

1. Obtain a mutual understanding about the organization, training curriculum and teaching activities for Bachelor of Nursing between the two universities; Discuss the possibilities of teacher and student exchange, and a collaborative project potentially sponsored by VLIR, Belgium; Learn about the possible clinical practice of Belgian students at CTUMP’s hospital.

2. Ghent University College will offer a bursary for one staff from Faculty of Nursing and Medical Technology of CTUMP to attend the Summer Course on Evidence-Based Practice in Health Care held at HoGent, Belgium in August 2015.

Some photos taken in the working day:

Dr Thai Thi Ngoc Thuy, vice head of Scientific Research & International Relations office introduced participants and overview of CTUMP


Mr. Toon De Bock and Ms. Liesbeth Van Heck presented about the University College Ghent and possibilities of collaboration between the two universities



Assoc. Prof. Tran Do Hung, Vice head of Nursing and Medical Technology Faculty presented about the organization and training activities of the Faculty


Dr Lai Van Nong, Vice-Director of CTUMP’s Hospital presented the hospital overview and capacity of receiving international students


Observe students practicing at Skills Lab Unit


 Take a souvenir photo with CTUMP’s staffs

