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On December 2nd, 2021 Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy (CTUMP) officially held an online signing ceremony of memorandum of understanding (MOU) between CTUMP and Van Lang University (VLU). The event is a monumental milestone and the premise for collaborative relationship between two faculties of odonto-stomatology of two universities in the future.

Van Lang University was founded in 1995 when a group of individuals pooled funds to establish an educational institution in the direction of a private university. At that time, the government only allowed the “dan lap” (People Founded) model, so Van Lang University was formed in that model. The school offers undergraduate and graduate training, a centralized full-time curriculum system, including 18 disciplines, organized into 4 groups: Engineering - Technology, Economics, Applied Fine Arts, and Social - Humanities. The school was one of the first 20 universities in Vietnam to participate in the national education quality accreditation system. The National Council for Education Quality Accreditation recommended the Ministry of Education and Training to recognize the school as meeting quality standards on February 5, 2009. In the trend of international integration with innovations in education policies, in 2016, the university was transformed and marked a new beginning.

Participating in the signing ceremony, on behalf of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, there were Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Trung Kien - Rector, Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Van Lam – Vice Rector; and representatives of the Odonto-Stomatology Faculty: Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRUONG Nhut Khue – Dean of the Faculty, PhD. LE Nguyen Lam– Vice Dean of the Faculty, PhD. DO Thi Thao – Vice Dean of the Faculty; and Heads of Departments of the Faculty; PhD. NGUYEN Thang – Deputy Head of the Office of Science – Technology and External Relations. On the side of Van Lang University, there were Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRAN Thi My Dieu – President of VLU, PhD. TRAN Ngoc Quang Phi - Dean of Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, PhD. TA To Tran - Vice Dean of Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, PhD. NGUYEN Cuu Dinh - Head of Training Department; MSc. NGUYEN Chi Hieu - Chief of Staff; and Heads of Departments of Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology.

In the ceremony, Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRAN Thi My Dieu – President of VLU emphasized that in recent years, Van Lang University has invested in the healthcare education, to perfect VLU's multidisciplinary education system. She expected the cooperation with Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy to be a potential forward step for VLU's Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology in curriculum, scientific research, and technology transfer. Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Trung Kien – Rector of CTUMP also shared that the signing ceremony marked an important milestone between Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Van Lang University in cooperation in dental teaching and research cooperation. Additionally, he hoped that the two universities can expand this cooperation in many other healthcare disciplines soon.


The signing ceremony was a fine start, and basis for an enduring cooperative relationship between Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy and Van Lang University.


Some pictures of the signing ceremony:


            Introduction of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy 


Introduction of Van Lang University


Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRAN Thi My Dieu – President of VLU gave a speech 


Assoc. Prof. PhD. NGUYEN Trung Kien – Rector of CTUMP gave a speech


PhD. TRAN Ngoc Quang Phi –

Dean of Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology of VLU gave a speech 



Assoc. Prof. PhD. TRUONG Nhat Khue – Dean of the Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology of CTUMP gave a speech 


Signing MOU and Taking Photo 


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Science-Technology and External Relations Office

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Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy

179 Nguyen Van Cu Street, Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City, Vietnam

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Scientific Research and International Cooperation Office